Visitor Pattern

美 [ˈvɪzɪtər ˈpætərn]英 [ˈvɪzɪtə(r) ˈpætn]
  • 网络访问者模式
Visitor PatternVisitor Pattern
  1. The visitor pattern is a simple technique to process arbitrary data structures .


  2. Another aspect of the Visitor pattern not closely examined here is iteration order .


  3. The question is , can we implement the Visitor pattern without recursion ?


  4. Thus , in Jam , the visitor pattern can 't be used with mixins .


  5. As a first step , we can think back to our Java language implementation of the Visitor pattern and try something similar .


  6. In each case , I 've found that the Visitor pattern is a reliable tool for manipulating trees of data .


  7. All bytecode scanning detectors are based on the visitor pattern , which FindBugs implements .


  8. The Visitor pattern creates a scenario where adding operations ( new visitors ) over the set of existing data types is easy .


  9. To perform queries on the AST parse tree , the Java IDE uses a visitor pattern .


  10. Consider the visitor pattern in which a visitor class is defined with a for method for each class in a composite hierarchy .


  11. In particular , I 've found that integrating functional zippers into the Visitor pattern yields efficiency benefits , which I explore .


  12. Like the JDT , the CDT DOM uses a visitor pattern to interact with its parse tree .


  13. The Visitor pattern is often used to separate a data structure ( the tree , in this case ) from the algorithms that operate over the data structure .


  14. Adding new data types ( classes ) with visitors is difficult , however , as the Visitor pattern requires a visit () method for all concrete types .


  15. Curried closures can be used to mimic the essential elements of the Visitor pattern , as we showed in the Library example .


  16. Jomo Fisher demonstrates a visitor pattern than will walk an expression tree , creating a new tree while swapping out specific nodes .


  17. In this article , I revisit domain trees and the Visitor pattern for the Java language , then walk through several visitor implementations using Clojure .


  18. Leveraging Clojure 's functional programming tools to implement the Visitor pattern is one way to get around this incidental complexity , while still programming on the JVM .


  19. This article has just scratched the surface of using zippers in the Visitor pattern ; the point of it is to whet your appetite for further exploration .


  20. In the visitor pattern , the calling method ( the builder , in this case ) implements a visitor interface ( the specific interface to implement is IResourceDeltaVisitor ) .


  21. Another design pattern that lends itself well to DEBA is the Visitor pattern , which externalizes an operation that will be performed on another object , a group of objects , or a structure of objects .


  22. Visitor Design Pattern Applied to GIS Element Drawing


  23. Visitor design pattern in software refactoring and application


  24. The Visitor design pattern is used to separate the exception hierarchy from the code that builds the fault details .


  25. In the light of the object-oriented design principles , Visitor design pattern and its improved pattern are presented and analyzed . Then a new patter & reflect visitor pattern is put forward .


  26. We discuss GIS element drawing , and by com-paring all the methods , in proper sequence we give the process of adopting the Visitor design pattern as our final method . We show the advantages that visitor pattern bring us .


  27. Based on the visitor design pattern , the spatial index interface is designed . The spatial index module is implemented using the R-tree data structure and algorithms . And based on the adapter design pattern , index structure and spatial data are accessed and persisted in the relational table .


  28. This serves as a useful base case , similar to a base Visitor class in the classic Visitor pattern .
